Collocations, Lexical Approach, Non-specialized Students, FluencyAbstract
The acquisition of collocational competence plays a critical role in the development of fluency and communicative competence in English. Non-specialized students, who may not possess advanced linguistic knowledge or specialized English proficiency, often struggle with mastering natural language combinations. This paper aims to explore the methodology of teaching collocation skills to non-specialized students, providing a comprehensive framework that addresses challenges in vocabulary acquisition, contextual usage, and communicative competence. Drawing on established pedagogical principles such as the Communicative Language Teaching (CLT) approach, the Lexical Approach, and task-based learning, this study proposes practical strategies and teaching techniques for integrating collocations into English language instruction. Through the application of these methodologies, learners can gain proficiency in using collocations to enhance fluency, contextual appropriateness, and pragmatic competence.
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