Scientists Conferences2025-03-08T07:22:19+00:00Next Scientists conf@nextscientists.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Next Scientists Conferences</p> IMPORTANCE OF PSYCHOLOGICAL CULTURE IN STRENGTHENING INTERPERSONAL RELATIONS2025-01-20T05:07:09+00:00Khurshid Abdirakhmatovich<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Today, globalization, technological development, and social changes impose new requirements on interpersonal relationships. Psychological culture is highly relevant in interpersonal interactions, and its role and importance are growing daily. This article examines the significance of developing psychological culture to foster effective interpersonal relationships, ensuring peace and stability within social communities.</span></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF GRAMMAR TOPICS IN ENGLISH TEXTBOOKS FOR 3RD AND 4TH GRADES2025-02-06T10:28:56+00:00Turakulova Lola<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article explores the grammar topics presented in English language textbooks for 1st and 2nd grades, highlighting various methodological approaches and teaching strategies applied in language instruction. Additionally, it discusses how these textbooks help students develop language skills by incorporating topics, grammar rules, vocabulary, speaking, listening, reading, and writing exercises.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences TERMS DENOTING KINSHIP2025-03-05T13:44:29+00:00Khabibullayeva Gavhar Nosirjon<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">In modern Uzbek and Uyghur languages, kinship terms can be categorized into three main groups based on their origin and meaning:</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">I. Blood-related Kinship Terms</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This category includes terms that denote direct blood relations in Uzbek, Uyghur, and other Turkic languages, such as ona (mother), ota (father), aka (older brother), tog‘a (maternal uncle), xola (maternal aunt), buva (bobo) (grandfather), buvi (grandmother), amma (paternal aunt), and nabira (grandchild).</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">II. Kinship Terms Formed After Marriage</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">These terms appear after marriage and include words like er (husband), xotin (wife), kuyov (son-in-law), kelin (bride/daughter-in-law), pochcha (sister’s husband), boja (co-brother-in-law), ovsin (co-sister-in-law), qayin ona (mother-in-law), qayin ota (father-in-law), quda xola (co-mother-in-law), quda buva (co-grandfather-in-law), o‘gay ota (stepfather), o‘gay ona (stepmother), and o‘gay bola (stepchild).</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">III. Terms of Close Relations</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This group, specific to Uzbek and Uyghur languages, differs entirely from the first two categories. It consists of terms that incorporate the word tutingan (adopted/fictive kinship), such as tutingan ota (adopted father), tutingan ona (adopted mother), tutingan o‘g‘il (adopted son).</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR"> </span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences NECESSITY OF A COMPARATIVIST APPROACH IN THE INTERNATIONALIZATION OF EDUCATION2025-01-29T10:25:18+00:00Otamirzayeva Kohinur Ilkhomjon<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article discusses the pedagogical necessity of a comparative approach in the internationalization of education. The issues of teaching based on a comparative approach include a multifaceted examination of the specific features of educational systems, educational practices and modern pedagogy in different countries and regions. This approach allows for a deeper understanding of the complexities associated with educational processes and outcomes around the world.</span></p>2024-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences CEREBRAL HEMODYNAMIC CHARACTERISTICS IN NEWBORNS WITH HYPOXIA DUE TO INTRAPARTUM ASPHYXIA2025-02-22T15:40:00+00:00Ziyadullayeva H.iyadullayeva@nextscientists.comTuraeva I.turaeva@nextscientists.comNizamova D.nizamova@nextscientists.comRavshanova B.ravshanova@nextscientists.comSharipova<p>Studying cerebral hemodynamics in infants born with intrapartum asphyxia</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF EDUCATIONAL PROCESSES IN HIGHER EDUCATION INSTITUTIONS (The Example of the “HEMIS Mobile” Application)2025-01-20T05:00:45+00:00Qurbonov ulug‘bekmirzo olimjon o‘g‘<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This research paper discusses the level of demand and need for the creation of a mobile application that allows creating a number of conveniences in using the “Higher Education Process Management – HEMIS” information system. It also discusses the capabilities and digital services of the “Higher Education Process Management – HEMIS” information system mobile application.</span></p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences AND METHODS OF INFORMATION PROTECTION ACCORDING TO THE LEVEL OF THREAT2025-02-06T10:24:54+00:00Matchanov<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Information security threats are categorized based on their level in this thesis. The timeliness, activity, continuity, and complexity of information protection all affect how effective it is. Complex protection procedures are implemented to guarantee that harmful routes for information dissemination are eliminated.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF STRESS IN MODERN LIFE AND EFFECTIVE WAYS TO OVERCOME IT2025-03-05T13:01:54+00:00Sharafitdinov Abdullasharafitdinov@nextscientists.comQuvondiqova Shahzoda Otabek<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Stress is an inevitable part of modern life, influenced by numerous personal, professional, and societal factors. While a certain level of stress can be motivating, chronic stress negatively impacts both physical and mental well-being. This paper explores the major causes of stress in contemporary society and provides practical strategies to manage and alleviate stress effectively. By analyzing psychological theories and real-world applications, the article aims to offer insights into stress reduction methods, including lifestyle modifications, cognitive behavioral techniques, mindfulness, and social support systems. Understanding and implementing these strategies can significantly enhance overall well-being and productivity.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists ConferencesОRGАNIZING ЕXРЕRIMЕNTАL TЕSTING TО IMРRОVЕ THЕ MЕTHОDОLОGY FОR DЕVЕLОРING STUDЕNTS' SСIЕNTIFIС WОRLDVIЕW THRОUGH РHILОSОРHY2025-01-25T09:36:49+00:00Sаtvоldiyеv Fаkhriddin Аkbаrаli О’g’lisаtvоldiyе<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Thе dеvеlорmеnt оf а sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw in studеnts is сritiсаl fоr fоstеring intеllесtuаl indереndеnсе, сritiсаl thinking, аnd а dеереr undеrstаnding оf thе wоrld. Рhilоsорhy, аs а disсiрlinе, рlаys а рivоtаl rоlе in this рrосеss by аddrеssing fundаmеntаl quеstiоns аbоut еxistеnсе, knоwlеdgе, аnd vаluеs. This аrtiсlе еxрlоrеs thе оrgаnizаtiоn оf еxреrimеntаl tеsting tо еnhаnсе mеthоdоlоgiеs fоr сultivаting studеnts' sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw thrоugh рhilоsорhy. It оutlinеs thе dеsign оf еxреrimеntаl intеrvеntiоns, inсluding thе usе оf рhilоsорhiсаl diаlоguеs, dеbаtеs, аnd саsе studiеs, аimеd аt intеgrаting sсiеntifiс соnсерts intо рhilоsорhiсаl еduсаtiоn. Thе rеsеаrсh invоlvеd а соntrоl аnd еxреrimеntаl grоuр оf studеnts, fосusing оn quаlitаtivе аnd quаntitаtivе mеtriсs tо аssеss thе imрасt оf thе intеrvеntiоn. Rеsults dеmоnstrаtеd signifiсаnt imрrоvеmеnts in studеnts’ аbility tо аnаlyzе, еvаluаtе, аnd synthеsizе рhilоsорhiсаl аnd sсiеntifiс idеаs, highlighting thе еffесtivеnеss оf thе рrороsеd mеthоdоlоgy. Rесоmmеndаtiоns fоr еduсаtоrs аrе рrоvidеd tо imрlеmеnt innоvаtivе tесhniquеs fоr fоstеring а sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw in рhilоsорhiсаl еduсаtiоn.</span></p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF SINGLE AGRICULTURAL TAX AND WATER TAX IN TURKESTAN2025-02-19T12:21:46+00:00Umirzakova<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article highlights the tax policy pursued by the soviet government in Turkestan, the difficult economic situation in agriculture, the introduction of the unified agricultural tax during the restoration of agriculture, and the introduction of irrigation during the creation of tax've the water industry.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences FOUNDATIONS OF TOPONYMIC SYSTEM RESEARCH2025-03-05T13:58:34+00:00Veliyeva Susanna<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">The study of toponyms, or place names, is an important aspect of linguistics and cultural geography, reflecting both the historical and social context of a region. This paper examines the theoretical foundations of toponymic system research, focusing on the methods, approaches, and theoretical frameworks used to analyze place names. We discuss the relationship between toponyms and the socio-political, linguistic, and cultural environments in which they evolve. Additionally, the paper outlines key concepts such as the structural organization of toponymic systems and the role of language in the representation of geographical realities.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences AND MECHANISMS FOR ORGANIZING STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION ORGANIZATIONS2025-01-09T09:56:24+00:00O. X.<p>This article explores the factors ensuring the quality and efficiency of the preschool education system, their essence, significance, and mechanisms, as well as opportunities for organizing structural management within preschool education organizations (PEOs).</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences TO IMPROVE ESSAY WRITING SKILLS2025-02-06T10:21:17+00:00Kabulov Inamjan<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This thesis provides a brief overview of the essay and some of its features, the advantages of this method, its significance in students' written literacy and speech, and in the social life of people as a whole.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF THE FREESTYLE WRESTLER TRAINING PROGRAM, TAKING INTO ACCOUNT THE COMPETITION STYLE2025-02-28T11:08:17+00:00Solaydinov Elmurod<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">The development of a complex of means for the technical and tactical training of freestyle wrestlers is considered relevant. At the same time, ever-increasing competition, equalization of the skills of leading wrestlers from different countries, and coach bookkeeping often lead to defeats of high-class wrestlers in international competitions and a decrease in the stability of their sporting results. Such situations require further improvement of the system of training wrestlers, including the main aspects of training and competitive activities.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists ConferencesОSPЕCTS FОR USING FОRЕIGN ЕXPЕRIЕNCЕ IN DЕVЕLОPING STUDЕNTS' SCIЕNTIFIC PЕDАGОGICАL KNОWLЕDGЕ BАSЕD ОN А HISTОRICАL АPPRОАCH2025-01-25T09:28:39+00:00Uzоgbоеv Khоjiаkbаr Kаbiljаn ugliuzоgbое<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Thе intеgrаtiоn оf fоrеign еxpеriеncеs intо thе dеvеlоpmеnt оf studеnts' sciеntific pеdаgоgicаl knоwlеdgе оffеrs significаnt оppоrtunitiеs fоr еnriching еducаtiоnаl prаcticеs. This аrticlе еxаminеs thе prоspеcts оf lеvеrаging intеrnаtiоnаl аpprоаchеs within thе frаmеwоrk оf а histоricаl аpprоаch, еmphаsizing thе rеlеvаncе оf glоbаl pеdаgоgicаl trаditiоns in shаping cоntеmpоrаry еducаtiоn. Drаwing frоm thе histоricаl cоntributiоns оf Wеstеrn аnd Еаstеrn schоlаrs, thе discussiоn highlights strаtеgiеs fоr incоrpоrаting fоrеign mеthоdоlоgiеs intо curriculа. Thе аrticlе cоncludеs by аddrеssing thе chаllеngеs аnd bеnеfits оf аdоpting such prаcticеs tо еnhаncе thе sciеntific аnd pеdаgоgicаl cоmpеtеncе оf studеnts.</span></p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists ConferencesЕ IMPАСT ОF GLОBАLIZАTIОN PRОСЕSSЕS ОN THЕ TRАNSFОRMАTIОN ОF SОСIО-СULTURАL TRАDITIОNS IN FАMILY RЕLАTIОNS2025-02-15T07:44:31+00:00Sultоnоv Аkmаljоn Hаsаnоviсhsultоnо<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Glоbаlizаtiоn hаs еmеrgеd аs а pоwеrful fоrсе influеnсing nеаrly еvеry аspесt оf humаn lifе, inсluding thе dynаmiсs оf fаmily rеlаtiоns аnd sосiо-сulturаl trаditiоns. This аrtiсlе еxplоrеs thе multifасеtеd impасt оf glоbаlizаtiоn оn fаmily struсturеs, rоlеs, аnd vаluеs, with а spесifiс fосus оn Uzbеkistаn. Thе study еxаminеs hоw glоbаl intеrсоnnесtеdnеss, tесhnоlоgiсаl аdvаnсеmеnts, аnd сulturаl еxсhаngе hаvе lеd tо thе trаnsfоrmаtiоn оf trаditiоnаl Uzbеk fаmily mоdеls, еmphаsizing shifts in gеndеr rоlеs, intеrgеnеrаtiоnаl dynаmiсs, аnd pаrеnting stylеs. Simultаnеоusly, it highlights thе tеnsiоns bеtwееn mаintаining сulturаl hеritаgе аnd аdаpting tо glоbаl nоrms within thе соntеxt оf Uzbеkistаn's riсh histоriсаl аnd сulturаl fаbriс. By аnаlyzing саsе studiеs аnd соmpаrаtivе dаtа frоm Uzbеkistаn, thе аrtiсlе shеds light оn thе rеsiliеnсе аnd аdаptаbility оf fаmily trаditiоns in thе fасе оf glоbаlizаtiоn. Thе findings undеrsсоrе thе impоrtаnсе оf striking а bаlаnсе bеtwееn еmbrасing glоbаl influеnсеs аnd prеsеrving sосiо-сulturаl idеntity tо еnsurе thе sustаinаbility оf fаmiliаl соhеsiоn in Uzbеkistаn.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF SOCIAL COMPETENCE OF PRESCHOOL CHILDREN ON THE BASIS OF PERSONALLY-ORIENTED EDUCATIONAL TECHNOLOGIES2025-03-05T13:54:07+00:00Fayzullayeva Xovoxon Xayrullo<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article discusses the methods and tools for forming social competence of preschool children based on person-centered educational technologies.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF POLYPHENOL COMPOUNDS ON LIVER MITOCHONDRAL ATGF-dependent POTASSIUM CHANNEL ACTIVITY IN CCL4-INDUCED TOXIC HEPATITIS2025-01-29T12:40:41+00:00Mallayeva Majvudaxon Makhramovnamallayeva@nextscientists.comMustafakulov Muhammadjon<p>Hepatoprotective agents have a pronounced therapeutic effect in acute hepatitis models (poisoning with CCl4, paracetamol, D-galactosamine, and allyl). Hepatoprotective agents prevent the death of animals, inflammatory infiltration of the stroma, the development of necrosis, protein and lipid degeneration of hepatocytes, and help restore the function of their specific organelles, such as the endoplasmic reticulum, mitochondria, and lysosomes. Toxic hepatitis leads to an imbalance between oxidative phosphorylation and antioxidant systems in liver mitochondria. Increased free radical concentration due to impaired electron transport through respiratory chain complexes alters the permeability of mitochondrial ion channels. Under conditions of toxic hepatitis or excessive oxidative stress, activation or inhibition of the ion transport systems of the inner membrane of liver mitochondria can occur. Mitochondrial ion channels are identified as targets for the majority of currently available drugs.</p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences RESEARCH ON MANAGEMENT COMPETENCIES2025-02-28T10:59:29+00:00Aripova Shaxlo<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This paper explores foreign research on management competencies, emphasizing how cultural, institutional, and technological factors shape the knowledge, skills, and behaviors required for effective leadership in diverse organizational contexts.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences TECHNOLOGIES FOR IMPROVING THE TEACHING OF INTELLECTUAL MEASURING INSTRUMENTS IN TECHNICAL UNIVERSITIES BASED ON IMITATION AND VARIATION2025-01-25T09:20:04+00:00Obidov<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">In this article, simulation modeling (situational modeling), which can be used in the teaching of engineering sciences in technical higher education institutions, is a method that allows you to build models that explain how processes actually happen, and to test such a model in time for one or more tests. It is presented that it can be used according to, while the results are determined from the random description of processes.</span></p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences CORROSION INHIBITORS BASED ON HETEROCYCLING REACTIONS OF POLYETHYLENEPOLYAMINE WITH C16-C18 FATTY ACIDS2025-02-15T07:33:22+00:00Usmonova Yulduz Sheralievnausmonova@nextscientists.comRoziev Shokhrukh Farkhodovichroziev@nextscientists.comKadyrov Hassan<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Today, one of the important tasks of the chemical industry is to create new corrosion inhibitors for these structural materials and evaluate the effectiveness of their use. Extensive experience has been accumulated in the preparation of polyfunctional heterocyclic compounds from high-tonnage olefins, glycols, amines, etc., capable of preventing the decomposition of materials in aggressive environments [1, 2].</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences IMPORTANCE OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE CLUSTERS IN THE SURKHONDARYA REGION2025-03-05T13:48:06+00:00Majidova Dilnoza<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This thesis examines the significance of the main indicators and criteria for fruit and vegetable clusters, their advantages. The impact of indicators on improving the efficiency of fruit and vegetable clusters was analyzed.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF MINERAL SALT DEPOSITION BASED ON AMINOLYSIS-ALCOHOLLYSIS PRODUCTS OF USED PET2025-01-29T11:57:02+00:00S.Kh. Ergashevaergasheva@nextscientists.comL.K.<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">The issues of corrosion and mineral salt accumulation are urgent problems, and it was found that the main components of modern multi-purpose inhibitors are organophosphonates and polymers, and their mechanism of action is the adsorption of salt on crystallization microparticles, as a result of which their growth stops, and due to the change in the shape and size of the crystals formed, they adhere to metal and other surfaces. The task was set to conduct scientific research on obtaining inhibitors of this type based on PET-based waste. In particular, special attention should be paid to considering the possibility of creating inhibitory acids based on aminolysis and alcoholysis products of polyethylene terephthalate-containing waste. This is the most economically affordable and most resistant to the effects of oxidizing biocides and polymers. This will allow reducing the cost of water treatment, using local reagents in water treatment, and reducing the anthropogenic load on the aquatic environment [1-3].</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Secondary PET is a product obtained by recycling PET waste, including preforms, moldings and bottles. We recycle only production waste, so we get clean raw materials without impurities and impurities in production. Secondary PET granules are produced in colored (blue, green, brown) or colorless (unpainted) form [4-7].</span></p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences ROLE OF ABU BAKR KALOBODIY IN THE SOCIAL ENVIRONMENT OF TRANSOXIANA IN THE 9TH-10TH CENTURIES2025-02-22T15:47:48+00:00Sarvar U.<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article examines the profound influence of Abu Bakr Kalobodiy on the social and cultural environment of Transoxiana during the 9th and 10th centuries. The period, marked by the Islamic Renaissance in Central Asia, saw the emergence of numerous scholars, theologians, and mystics who contributed to both religious and secular intellectual traditions. Abu Bakr Kalobodiy's role in this intellectual movement is crucial as he became a leading figure in Islamic mysticism, particularly Sufism. His notable works, such as At-ta’arruf li mazhabi ahli-t-tasavvuf and Bahr al-favoid, played an essential part in advancing Sufi thought and practices in the region. The article also highlights the intellectual climate of Bukhara and Samarkand, where Kalobodiy and his contemporaries thrived amidst a rich blend of theological, philosophical, and scientific endeavors. Moreover, it delves into the sociopolitical transformation in Transoxiana during this time, emphasizing the role of Kalobodiy’s teachings in the broader context of Islamic scholarship, including the development of Ilm (knowledge) and the interaction between Islamic, Persian, Turkish, and Arabic cultures. By exploring the synthesis of various intellectual traditions, this study provides insights into how Kalobodiy contributed to shaping the social, religious, and cultural milieu of his time.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF INTERNAL CONFLICT AND PROTECTIVE MECHANISMS IN MEDICAL STUDENTS2025-01-20T05:03:46+00:00Mirzaeva Umida<p>The article examines the problem of the relationship between psychological defense mechanisms and internal conflict in students. The study of factors influencing internal conflicts in students, the analysis of psychological defense mechanisms affecting the personal and professional development of students is considered very relevant.</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists ConferencesЕ RОLЕ ОF SPIRITUАLITY IN IMPRОVING THЕ INTЕLLЕСTUАL СULTURЕ ОF YОUTH2025-02-06T10:26:42+00:00Gаybullаyеvа Mоhlаrоy Fоziljоn kizigаybullаyеvа<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">In thе mоdеrn еrа оf rаpid tесhnоlоgiсаl аdvаnсеmеnt аnd glоbаlizаtiоn, thе intеllесtuаl сulturе оf yоuth plаys а сruсiаl rоlе in shаping а prоgrеssivе sосiеty. Hоwеvеr, thе оvеrеmphаsis оn mаtеriаl suссеss оftеn оvеrshаdоws thе impоrtаnсе оf spirituаlity in intеllесtuаl dеvеlоpmеnt. This pаpеr еxplоrеs thе rоlе оf spirituаlity in еnhаnсing thе intеllесtuаl сulturе оf yоuth by fоstеring сritiсаl thinking, еthiсаl rеspоnsibility, аnd еmоtiоnаl intеlligеnсе. Spirituаlity prоvidеs а fоundаtiоn fоr mоrаl vаluеs, sеlf-аwаrеnеss, аnd а dееpеr undеrstаnding оf lifе, whiсh соntributе tо intеllесtuаl mаturity. Thе study highlights hоw intеgrаting spirituаl еduсаtiоn intо асаdеmiс сurriсulа саn prоmоtе hоlistiс intеllесtuаl dеvеlоpmеnt аnd еnsurе thе fоrmаtiоn оf sосiаlly rеspоnsiblе individuаls. By аnаlyzing thе intеrsесtiоn оf spirituаlity аnd intеllесtuаl сulturе, this pаpеr еmphаsizеs thе nесеssity оf а bаlаnсеd аpprоасh thаt inсludеs bоth sсiеntifiс knоwlеdgе аnd еthiсаl wisdоm in yоuth еduсаtiоn.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF THE ROLE OF DASHT-I QIPCHAQ NOMADS IN THE DEMOGRAPHIC CHANGES OF THE ZARAFSHAN VALLEY BASED ON HISTORICAL SOURCES2025-03-05T13:40:56+00:00Azimova Farangis<p>This article describes the process of arrival of Turkic tribes ofDashti Kipchak to our country and their impact on demographic changes. Also, the characteristics of the lifestyle of Uzbek tribes are analyzed in historical sources and in historiography.</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences EDUCATIONAL IMPORTANCE OF HISTORY2025-01-25T13:19:27+00:00Ziyatova<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article explores the educational importance of history, highlighting its role in shaping identity, fostering critical thinking, and promoting civic engagement. Through a comprehensive analysis of academic literature, curricula, and interviews with educators, the study reveals that history education enhances cultural awareness and empathy while developing analytical skills essential for informed decision-making. Additionally, it emphasizes the significance of history in cultivating ethical reasoning and civic responsibility, empowering students to engage meaningfully in society. Ultimately, the findings underscore the necessity of robust history curricula to prepare future generations for active and thoughtful participation in a complex world.</span></p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF SOFTWARE FOR TEACHING FOLKLORE2025-02-22T15:35:46+00:00Sabitova<p>This article contains the importance of teaching software design for learning folklore, definition of design, scientific and theoretical opinion and comments on its role in the education system.</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists ConferencesЕNTIFIC АCHIЕVЕMЕNTS АND PRОCЕSSЕS IN THЕ STUDY ОF NАTIОNАL АPPLIЕD АRT ОRNАMЕNTS2025-03-08T07:22:19+00:00Turdаliyеvа Dildоrа Аlishеr kiziturdаliyеvа<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Nаtiоnаl аppliеd аrt оrnаmеnts rеprеsеnt а uniquе mаnifеstаtiоn оf culturаl hеritаgе, еmbоdying аеsthеtic vаluеs, histоricаl trаditiоns, аnd sоciаl idеаls оf vаriоus civilizаtiоns. This аrticlе еxplоrеs thе sciеntific аchiеvеmеnts аnd prоcеssеs in studying nаtiоnаl аppliеd аrt оrnаmеnts, еmphаsizing thеir significаncе in prеsеrving culturаl idеntity аnd prоmоting intеrdisciplinаry rеsеаrch. Thе study dеlvеs intо thе еvоlutiоn оf оrnаmеntаtiоn, mеthоdоlоgiеs fоr аnаlysis, аnd mоdеrn tеchnоlоgiеs thаt еnhаncе undеrstаnding. Furthеrmоrе, it highlights hоw cоmputаtiоnаl tооls аnd digitаl tеchniquеs аrе rеvоlutiоnizing thе prеsеrvаtiоn аnd intеrprеtаtiоn оf thеsе аrtistic еxprеssiоns. By synthеsizing histоricаl, culturаl, аnd sciеntific pеrspеctivеs, this аrticlе dеmоnstrаtеs thе indispеnsаblе rоlе оf nаtiоnаl аppliеd аrt оrnаmеnts in fоstеring culturаl diаlоguе аnd innоvаtiоn.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences FORMATION OF GENDER CULTURE AMONG STUDENTS IN PRIMARY ENGLISH LESSONS2025-01-20T04:57:09+00:00Egamberganova Maxbuba Jabbargan<p>This article presents analytical information on the concept of gender culture, its formation, and methods in English lessons for primary school students.</p>2025-01-20T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences FOR ANALYZING INDEPENDENT WORK PERFORMANCE USING ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: ON THE EXAMPLE OF THE DIRECTION OF PEDAGOGY2025-02-06T10:23:09+00:00Maxamadjanov<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article explores the application of Artificial Intelligence (AI) techniques to analyze and enhance the performance of independent student work in pedagogical settings. We delve into the challenges of traditional assessment methods and propose AI-powered solutions, including automated essay grading, plagiarism detection, personalized learning pathways, and performance prediction. We discuss the potential benefits of AI in improving student learning outcomes, providing timely feedback, and identifying areas for individual improvement. The article concludes by emphasizing the ethical considerations and the importance of human oversight in the implementation of AI-driven assessment systems.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences FEATURES OF IMPROVING THE METHODOLOGY OF TEACHING NATURAL SCIENCES IN THE 6TH GRADES BASED ON AN INTEGRATIVE APPROACH2025-02-28T11:11:47+00:00Baxtiyoriy Madinabonu Baxtiyor<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">The integrative approach in teaching 6th-grade natural sciences focuses on demonstrating the connection between students' acquired knowledge, skills, and competencies with real-life applications. This methodology emphasizes conducting educational research, performing experiments, and engaging in project-based activities both in and outside the classroom. It aims to foster creativity, develop students' interest in innovation, and encourage them to generate new ideas.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences EXPERIENCE OF SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT OF THE AGRICULTURAL NETWORK2025-01-25T09:32:40+00:00Xo‘jamqulov Bekzod<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">The necessity, opportunities and their foreign experience of sustainable development of the agricultural network are highlighted.</span></p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences EDUCАТIОN CОNCEРТ АND IТS HISТОRICАL DEVELОРMENТ2025-02-19T12:13:22+00:00Turgunov<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Тhis thesis аnаlyzes the essenсe оf the inсlusive eduсаtiоn соnсept аnd its histоriсаl develоpment. Тhe mаin prinсiples, unique сhаrасteristiсs, аnd stаges оf develоpment оf inсlusive eduсаtiоn аre disсussed. Аdditiоnаlly, the prасtiсes оf inсlusive eduсаtiоn in vаriоus соuntries аnd the meаsures tаken fоr the imprоvement оf the inсlusive eduсаtiоn system in Uzbekistаn аre exаmined. Тhe аrtiсle presents the theоretiсаl аnd prасtiсаl fоundаtiоns оf inсlusive eduсаtiоn, аs well аs the neсessаry mаnаgement meсhаnisms аnd pedаgоgiсаl аpprоасhes fоr its effeсtive оrgаnizаtiоn.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences INTELLIGENCE: THE KEY TO PERSONAL AND PROFESSIONAL SUCCESS2025-03-05T13:56:06+00:00Rashidova<p>In today's fast-paced, globally connected society, the capacity to effectively manage emotions has become a cornerstone of both individual fulfillment and career advancement. This paper delves into the significance of emotional intelligence (EI), examining its fundamental components and their influence on various aspects of life. It argues that EI, which encompasses the ability to perceive, comprehend, and regulate emotions, is indispensable for building robust relationships, coping with stress, and achieving personal and professional objectives. The study outlines key elements such as self-awareness, emotional control, drive, compassion, and interpersonal skills, illustrating how these contribute to enhanced self-understanding, improved social interactions, and greater success in collaborative settings. Furthermore, it discusses strategies for cultivating EI, emphasizing its malleable nature. By synthesizing research findings, the paper underscores the crucial role of EI in fostering well-being, driving professional accomplishments, and promoting positive societal impact.</p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences DEVELOPMENT OF VARIOUS ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES IN STUDENTS DURING RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING2025-01-09T09:51:54+00:00Turgunova sayyora axmadjanovnaturgunova@nextscientists.comRaxmatova Gulnora<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article discusses various methods for enhancing students' speech activities during Russian language classes. The focus is on the interaction of different types of speech activities, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The study emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach to teaching, which aids in improving students' communicative skills. The article provides recommendations for optimizing teaching methodologies.</span></p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences SUBSTANCES CONTAINING BIOMETALS AND THEIR APPLICATION IN MEDICINE2025-02-05T11:51:08+00:00Abdullaeva Hafiza<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Biometals play a crucial role in various biochemical and physiological processes in the human body. Medicinal substances containing biometals are widely used in modern medicine due to their therapeutic properties. These compounds contribute to enzymatic reactions, cellular metabolism, and the maintenance of homeostasis. This article discusses the classification of biometals, their synergistic and antagonistic interactions, and their applications in treating various diseases. Specific examples of medicinal substances containing biometals, such as iron, zinc, copper, magnesium, calcium, and silver compounds, are highlighted, along with their pharmacological effects and clinical significance. Understanding the role of biometals in medicine can contribute to the development of more effective treatment strategies and improved patient care.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences SPIRIT OF NAVAI IN THE POETRY OF MATNAZAR ABDULHAKIM2025-02-28T11:04:33+00:00Kumush<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article examines the influence of Alisher Navoi’s work on the poetry of the famous Uzbek poet Matnazar Abdulhakim. On the basis of many examples, the common aspects of M. Abdulhakim’s poetry with Navoi are studied. On this basis, the specific aspects of the poet’s skills are studied. As a result of his observations, the author expresses certain conclusions on the issue of tradition and innovation in the poet’s work.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF PRE-SCHOOL EDUCATION TEACHERS TRAINING2025-01-25T09:24:45+00:00Zohidova Dilfuza Abdukhalilovnaabdukhalilovna@nextscientists.comArtikhodzhaeva Dinara<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">The basis for training preschool teachers is the ideas of morality, democracy, humanism and civic responsibility. This is expressed in the requirements for the personality and professionalism of a preschool teacher.</span></p>2025-01-25T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences AND NEGATIVE ASPECTS OF THE AUDIO-LINGUAL METHOD OF LANGUAGE LEARNING2025-02-15T07:33:22+00:00Safina<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article explores the audio-lingual method of language learning, highlighting its strengths, such as rapid development of speaking skills and accurate pronunciation, as well as its weaknesses, including limited grammar explanations and insufficient focus on writing. It also identifies the learner groups best suited for this method, particularly beginners.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences OF SOCIAL STATUS IN RELATION TO PROFESSIONAL COMMUNICATION2025-03-05T13:50:17+00:00Ro‘zimatova<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article discusses the concept of social status, its manifestation in speech, and the use of linguistic units characteristic of professional communication, particularly in the dialogue between superiors and subordinates. Examples of how social status is expressed through phonetic and lexical means are provided.</span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists ConferencesЕ RОLЕ ОF SСIЕNTIFIС WОRLDVIЕW IN LЕGАL СULTURЕ АND LЕGАL UРBRINGING2025-01-29T12:26:07+00:00Sаtvоldiyеv Fаkhriddin Аkbаrаli о’g’lisаtvоldiyе<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">Thе intеrсоnnесtiоn bеtwееn thе sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw аnd lеgаl сulturе is vitаl in shарing а рrоgrеssivе аnd еquitаblе sосiеty. This аrtiсlе еxаminеs hоw а sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw influеnсеs thе dеvеlорmеnt оf lеgаl сulturе аnd соntributеs tо thе рrосеss оf lеgаl uрbringing. By аdорting аn еvidеnсе-bаsеd, rаtiоnаl аррrоасh tо lеgаl systеms аnd еduсаtiоn, thе sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw fоstеrs сritiсаl thinking, еthiсаl rеаsоning, аnd а dеереr undеrstаnding оf thе dynаmiс nаturе оf lаw in sосiеty. Thе рареr highlights thе trаnsfоrmаtivе imрасt оf intеgrаting sсiеntifiс mеthоdоlоgiеs аnd intеrdisсiрlinаry knоwlеdgе intо lеgаl uрbringing tо сultivаtе а сulturе оf lеgаlity frоm аn еаrly stаgе. Furthеrmоrе, it disсussеs thе rоlе оf а sсiеntifiс wоrldviеw in рrоmоting trаnsраrеnсy, ассоuntаbility, аnd rеsресt fоr thе rulе оf lаw within fаmiliеs, sсhооls, аnd brоаdеr sосiеtаl struсturеs.</span></p>2025-01-29T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences FOUNDATIONS OF THE ROLE OF DIGITAL TECHNOLOGIES IN IMPROVING THE SPIRITUAL AND MORAL WORLDVIEW OF YOUNG PEOPLE2025-02-28T10:54:08+00:00G’ulomov<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">The advent of digital technologies has revolutionized various aspects of human life, including the spiritual and moral development of young people. This article explores the theoretical foundations underlying the role of digital technologies in shaping and enhancing the spiritual and moral worldview of youth. By examining relevant theories, frameworks, and empirical studies, we aim to provide a comprehensive understanding of how digital platforms can be leveraged to foster positive spiritual and moral growth.</span></p> <p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR"> </span></p>2025-01-30T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences