Scientists Conferences2025-01-09T09:56:24+00:00Next Scientists conf@nextscientists.comOpen Journal Systems<p>Next Scientists Conferences</p> DEVELOPMENT OF VARIOUS ASPECTS OF COMMUNICATIVE ACTIVITIES IN STUDENTS DURING RUSSIAN LANGUAGE LEARNING2025-01-09T09:51:54+00:00Turgunova sayyora axmadjanovnaturgunova@nextscientists.comRaxmatova Gulnora<p class="Annotatsiya"><span lang="UZ-CYR">This article discusses various methods for enhancing students' speech activities during Russian language classes. The focus is on the interaction of different types of speech activities, including listening, speaking, reading, and writing. The study emphasizes the importance of an integrated approach to teaching, which aids in improving students' communicative skills. The article provides recommendations for optimizing teaching methodologies.</span></p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences AND MECHANISMS FOR ORGANIZING STRUCTURAL MANAGEMENT IN PRESCHOOL EDUCATION ORGANIZATIONS2025-01-09T09:56:24+00:00O. X.<p>This article explores the factors ensuring the quality and efficiency of the preschool education system, their essence, significance, and mechanisms, as well as opportunities for organizing structural management within preschool education organizations (PEOs).</p>2025-01-09T00:00:00+00:00Copyright (c) 2025 Next Scientists Conferences