The issues of corrosion and mineral salt accumulation are urgent problems, and it was found that the main components of modern multi-purpose inhibitors are organophosphonates and polymers, and their mechanism of action is the adsorption of salt on crystallization microparticles, as a result of which their growth stops, and due to the change in the shape and size of the crystals formed, they adhere to metal and other surfaces. The task was set to conduct scientific research on obtaining inhibitors of this type based on PET-based waste. In particular, special attention should be paid to considering the possibility of creating inhibitory acids based on aminolysis and alcoholysis products of polyethylene terephthalate-containing waste. This is the most economically affordable and most resistant to the effects of oxidizing biocides and polymers. This will allow reducing the cost of water treatment, using local reagents in water treatment, and reducing the anthropogenic load on the aquatic environment [1-3].
Secondary PET is a product obtained by recycling PET waste, including preforms, moldings and bottles. We recycle only production waste, so we get clean raw materials without impurities and impurities in production. Secondary PET granules are produced in colored (blue, green, brown) or colorless (unpainted) form [4-7].
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