
  • Eshkurbonov F.N. History Teacher, Secondary General Education School No. 11, Almazar District, Tashkent City, Uzbekistan


Central Asia, Buddhism, Southern Uzbekistan, Southern Tajikistan


In the era of 21st century globalization, increasing emphasis is placed on examining the role of world religions in shaping spirituality and advancing global civilization. Spiritual culture has consistently played a crucial role in societal progress, maintaining an inseparable connection with religious beliefs and traditions throughout history. This principle equally applies to Buddhism, which coexisted alongside Zoroastrianism and other faiths for centuries in southern Central Asia, particularly in the historically and culturally significant region of Bactria-Tokharistan.

Central Asia has long been recognized as a pivotal crossroads for diverse religious ideologies, spiritual teachings, and cultural interactions. Leading global research institutions have conducted extensive studies on this subject, producing a wealth of scholarly publications. Collaborative research teams composed of Uzbek and international scholars have focused on exploring Buddhist monuments in Bactria-Tokharistan. Their findings indicate that Buddhism spread to regions such as Margiana, Sogdia, and East Turkestan via Tarmidh-Termez, an essential political, economic, and cultural hub during antiquity and the medieval era.

Given these insights, there is a pressing need for a thorough scholarly investigation into key aspects such as material and spiritual culture, artistic heritage, numismatics, and epigraphic evidence. Additionally, reinterpreting and restoring the original functions of Buddhist monuments through contemporary methodologies and continuing in-depth research remain critical priorities.


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How to Cite

Eshkurbonov F.N. (2024). ON THE SPREAD OF BUDDHISM IN CENTRAL ASIA. Next Scientists Conferences, 1(01), 283–288. Retrieved from https://nextscientists.com/index.php/science-conf/article/view/447