
  • Ochilova Muxlisa Abduraxim qizi 1st-Year master's student, Jizzakh Branch of Uzbekistan State University, Uzbekistan


Emotional intelligence (EI), Academic Intelligence, Student Success


Emotional intelligence (EI) refers to the ability to recognize, understand, and manage one’s own emotions while also being able to empathize with others. Among the various components of EI, self-awareness is critical, serving as a foundation for personal growth and effective interpersonal relationships. This article explores the significance of emotional intelligence in enhancing self-awareness, its impact on decision-making, and its role in both personal and professional development. Self-awareness is the ability to recognize and understand one’s emotions, strengths, weaknesses, values, and motivations. Research by Goleman (1995) highlights that self-awareness is one of the five key components of emotional intelligence, underpinning effective leadership and interpersonal skills. Individuals who possess high self-awareness are better equipped to navigate social complexities and manage their responses in various situations.


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How to Cite

Ochilova Muxlisa Abduraxim qizi. (2024). THE IMPORTANCE OF EMOTIONAL INTELLIGENCE IN SELF-AWARENESS. Next Scientists Conferences, 1(01), 211–214. Retrieved from